All the pictures in this book I found at a flea market a few years ago. It is a related collection of pictures that, at first glance, seem to have no connection. The photographers are mostly unknown, as are the motifs. I learned a lot about the family's traditions and its culture of remembrance. I also got an insight into life in the 1960s.

The first part of the book deals with a small amount of very old printed photographies that provide interesting clues to the origin of the collection. Nevertheless, much remains uncertain and most questions remain unanswered. This part of the book also explains the culture of remembrance and its relevance for the development of a family.

The second part gives space to images that only few people might have seen before. These photographs were found as negatives of a medium format camera and I scanned all of them. In total I found around 150 unlabeled negatives from the 1960ies. All flaws and damages remained unchanged. You can see people in their natural environment, living their lives while the world around them changes. Next to the pictures are short texts describing historical events that took place at about the same time.