Globally, we face a profound threat to our foundation of life through the immense loss of soil caused by erosion and sealing, primarily driven by industrialized agriculture. This study delves into the potential of design for sustainable soil use through surveys and expert interviews. The findings underscore the critical role of sustainable agriculture and conservation practices in safeguarding soil and preserving biodiversity.

Within the agricultural community, there exists a recognition of the need for adaptation, given that soil forms the very bedrock of every farm. However, divergent opinions persist regarding the practical implementation of soil conservation measures. A consensus emerges that collaborative efforts among governments, scientists, and farmers are paramount to promoting sustainable practices.

Art and design emerge as powerful allies in raising awareness about the significance of soil and agriculture. An exhibition specifically centered around soil has the potential to not only capture societal attention but also catalyze positive change. By fostering collaboration and understanding among stakeholders, we can work towards a future where our soil, the essence of agriculture, remains resilient and sustainable.

The exhibition travels to ensure that the topic spreads as widely as possible, along with raising awareness of the importance of our soils.

Throughout the project's development, posters detailing the latest research results have been consistently produced.